
Slow but steady growth of geoTLDs

14 June 2019

A domain name such as consists of two parts: the name itself, atmyplace, and the Such an extension is referred to by professionals as a Top Level Domain, or TLD . There are different types of such TLDs, each with their own aim and connotation.   

Many types of TLDs   

Initially, there were seven top level domains that emerged with the internet, the best known of which are .com, .org, .net and .edu. It became apparent all too soon that these generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) would not suffice to keep up with the growth of the internet and to address the wishes of registrants. ccTLDs ensued, where cc stands for country code. These extensions are reserved for countries, e.g. .be, .nl, .fr. Furthermore, new gTLDs have surfaced in recent years, such as .blog, .info, .jobs, .shop. 

In addition to ccTLDs there are also geoTLDs. They refer to geographic entities that are not countries, such as a region, a language, a city, etc. They have been created to supplement the national ccTLDs.  

Show who you really are with geoTLDs 

geoTLDs are intended to give registrants an opportunity to show who they really are with their domain name. In point of fact, people do not identify solely with the country in which they live. Some have a closer link with their city or their region. A Catalan registrant  can perfectly opt for the extension .cat nowadays, and an entrepreneur active only in Flanders, can opt for .vlaanderen.  Some people identify more with the city in which they live than with their country, as attested to by the statistics: the top five of the 51 existing geoTLDs are cities: Tokyo, London, New York, Berlin and Amsterdam.  

The, of which DNS Belgium is a founding member, is the umbrella organisation of registries responsible for managing a geoTLD. DNS Belgium is accordingly the geoTLD member for the extensions .vlaanderen and .brussels which it manages. The organisation is endeavouring to develop geoTLDs fully.  

The map below shows the distribution of geoTLDs and geoTLD members.  Upon closer scrutiny, geoTLDs are popular especially in Europe.  The number of geoTLDs continues to grow throughout the world nonetheless (by ca. 1.9% per year), and nearly 1 million websites had a geoTLD extension in 2018.  

geoTLD String Country GeoTLD member 2019
.boston US No
.miami US Yes
.quebec CA Yes
.nyc US Yes
.vegas US No
.lat UY No
.rio BR No
.alsace FR Yes
.amsterdam NL Yes
.bayern DE Yes
.brussels BE Yes
.bzh FR Yes
.cologne DE Yes
.cymru GB No
.eus ES, FR Yes
.gal ES, PR Yes
.gent BE No
.irish US No
.koeln DE Yes
.london GB Yes
.nrw DE Yes
.paris FR Yes
.ruhr DE Yes
.scot UK No
.saarland DE No
.swiss CH Yes
.vlaanderen BE Yes
.wales GB No
.zuerich CH No
.barcelona ES Yes
.bcn ES No
.berlin DE Yes
.budapest US Yes
.cat ES Yes
.corsica FR Yes
.frl NL Yes
.hamburg DE Yes
.ist TR Yes
.istanbul TR Yes
.madrid ES No
.tirol AT Yes
.wien AT Yes
.africa US Yes
.capetown ZA Yes
.durban ZA Yes
.joburg ZA Yes
.helsinki FI No
.krd IQ No
.moscow RU No
.москва RU No
.stockholm SE Yes
.tatar  RU No
.abudhabi AE No
.ابوظبي  AE No
.arab EG No
.عرب   EG No
.dubai AE No
佛山 (.fohsan) CN No
广东 (.guangzhou) CN No
.广州 (.guangdong) CN No
.kyoto JP No
.nagoya JP Yes
.okinawa JP No
.osaka JP No
.ryukyu JP No
.tokyo JP Yes
.yokohama JP Yes
.melbourne AU Yes
.sydney AU Yes

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