For registrars

Notification when changing login data and new IP

23 July 2020

An e-mail will be sent when a person modifies your login data and/or when a person changes the EPP IP whitelisting via EPP or via My Registrations. The notification will be sent to your tech e-mail address, or if it is not entered, to the general e-mail address. It concerns the following changes:

  • change of password of one of your users: of the administrator user by reactivation, or of other users via My Registrations
  • change of password of your Domain Shield user
  • reset OTP of a user
  • change EPP password
  • modification EPP whitelist

Our mail serves as an extra check. If you requested the change yourself you can ignore the mail. If the change is not authorised, you can still take action. Some changes you can revert yourself, for other changes you should contact us. This will also be specified in the mail.

A mail will also be sent when someone logs in on My Registrations from a new IP address .

Do you have any questions? Send a mail to