For registrars

Updated .be registrar report

04 April 2022

The .be registrar report has been thoroughly updated. We have added useful figures. You can call it abusiness intelligence report: we collected your data and compiled them in clear charts. These are: 

  • data about your market share, based on new and active .be registrations 
  • data about renewals, classified inter alia per age of the .be domain name
  • and much more

>> Go through your new .be registrar report (Q1 2022)
Can't access the report? Then you might not have the right permission. Ask your colleague with an admin account on MyRegistrations to give you reports permission.

With the figures from this report, you can get down to work: compare the data over time, compare yourself with other .be registrars with a similar business model or registrars in the top 10 or top 50. This report also contains valuable information that only we can provide, such as: revokes, bounces, infections and support cases. It would be a shame not to use these data. 

Furthermore, in 2023 we will have an incentive programme to reward registrars who improve themselves or score well on service and security. So plenty of reasons to go through your .be registrar report

Do you have any questions about the interpretation of certain figures or would you like to give feedback? Please contact support@dnsbelgium.be