Belgium is the first European member state to fully implement the new NIS2 legislation. This means that since 18 October 2024, at least 2,500 Belgian organisations have been required to:
- register on the website
- take measures to increase cyber security
- report significant incidents to the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB).
Registrars who don’t have a legal representative in Belgium, need not to register.
Who does this notification requirement apply to?
Rest assured, it is not that you have to report to different authorities when an incident occurs. You do so to the cybersecurity authority of the country where your headquarters or legal representative is located.
We clarify using some examples:
- Registrars and resellers with headquarters in Belgium and registrars outside the EU with a legal representative in Belgium are subject to the Belgian cybersecurity law. This means that, under the NIS2, you have to report significant incidents to the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB).
For registrars within the EU, the situation is slightly different. They fall under the jurisdiction of the EU member state where they have their head office.
For example : you are a registrar based in France and offer services to customers from different countries, including .be domain names. Then you fall under the application of the NIS2 law, as defined by the French government in national legislation. So you report significant incidents to the French cybersecurity authority.
More information about the scope of the NIS2 can be found on the CCB website.
Obligatory notifications

Because NIS2 legislation also applies to some of our registrars, we'd like to explain what significant incidents are and when exactly you need to report them. The Safeonweb website has a tool to help you determine whether or not NIS2 applies to your organisation.
For a full explanation of the application and obligations of NIS2, we refer to CCB's NIS2 landing page and the extensive article series on that site.
Significant incidents
It has been compulsory since October to report any significant incidents to the CCB.
But what exactly are significant incidents?
Significant incidents are events that can have a considerable impact on the provision of your services. This concerns incidents:
- which caused a severe operational disruption of one of your services or caused you to suffer financial losses.
- whereby other natural or legal persons were or may be affected resulting in significant material, physical or moral damage.
- which caused or may cause industrial secrets to be leaked.
- which cause or may cause direct financial losses exceeding 500,000 euros or 5% of total annual sales in the previous financial year.
- whereby there was a successful, presumably malicious and unauthorised access to network and information systems, that may cause a severe operational disruption.
In other words, an incident on an isolated information system that is unrelated to the provision of your services need not be reported.
Specifically for DNS service providers
With regard to DNS service providers, an incident (according to Article 3 paragraph 1.g of NIS 2) is significant when it meets one or more of the following criteria:
- A recursive or authoritative domain name resolution service is completely unavailable for more than 30 minutes.
- During a period of more than one hour, the average response time of a recursive or authoritative domain name resolution service to DNS requests is more than 10 seconds.
- The integrity, confidentiality or authenticity of data stored, transmitted or processed in connection with the provision of the authoritative domain name resolution service is compromised. When the data of less than 1,000 domain names managed by the DNS service provider are incorrect due to misconfiguration, and those 1,000 domain names don't constitute more than 1% of all domain names managed by the DNS service provider, there's no significant incident.
Recurrent incidents

A series of incidents that individually don't meet the criteria of significant incidents may jointly still be considered as one significant incident if they meet the following criteria:
- They occurred at least twice in six months.
- They have the same root cause.
- They meet the criteria of financial losses and unavailability of services.
How do you report a significant incident?
When you discovered a suspicious event or someone alerts you to a potential incident, you need to:
- assess the event on time.
- determine whether it concerns a significant or non-significant incident.
If it's a significant incident, you need to report it immediately and in any case within 24 hours to the CCB via

As a registrar you must subsequently also:
- notify your customers.
- communicate any actions your customers can take.
- submit an interim progress report to the CCB.
- submit a final report to the CCB at the latest one month after the report (or in case of a long-term incident after the final settlement).
Voluntary notifications
In addition to obligatory notifications, every organisation - including those not covered by the scope of the NIS2 Act - may voluntarily report non-significant and avoided incidents and cyber threats to the CCB.
A voluntary notification cannot lead to an inspection or extra obligations.
Let's get started
On the websites of the CCB and Safeonweb you'll find:
- a scoping tool that helps you to determine whether NIS2 applies to your organisation.
- the platform where you can register your organisation.
- extensive information on NIS 2 and the notification requirement in the NIS2 registration guide.