To protect your brand names, company names against phishing, typosquatting etc. you can check if domain names are registered that harm your rights. You can thus request variants to a trade mark or look up another name. We show the results on the basis of similarity (e.g. dnsbelgium => dnsbeglium, upsbelgium, dns-belgium, dnsbélgium, …)
How it works
Type your domain below and click on 'Send variants'.
You will then get a list of variants of your domain name. To keep this list manageable, we restrict it to the 50 closest variants. Bear in mind that this is a mathematical algorithm, so the results may vary widely.
Who may request a list with variants?
Only the registrant may request the variants of his domain name. When we receive the request, we will send the registrant an e-mail with a list of domain names that show similarities with your domain name, and mentions the link to the registration data of those domain names.

What if someone else registered a domain name to which you think you have the rights?
If the list contains a domain name to which you think you have the rights, you can always contact the current registrant. On the page where his details are available click on the button "contact the registrant". Please read this legal information on domain name disputes also.
If you do not receive an e-mail from DNS Belgium
Check first whether our message has not wound up in the spam folder of your e-mail application. If it has not, then your e-mail address is probably no longer correct in our registration system. You will find the e-mail address in the registration data of the domain name. If you are a private individual or if you have provided a personal e-mail address (such as forename.surname@organisation), we will not show the e-mail address. You can request this e-mail address by asking for a registration certificate below. To adapt the e-mail address, contact your registrar.
If you receive an e-mail from DNS Belgium without having requested domain name variants
It cannot be ruled out that someone made a mistake and did not realize that we send the list with variants to the registrant only. If you do not wish to receive any messages on the matter from us, please let us know by sending an e-mail to