For registrars

Join the debate in the .be registrar forum

05 January 2021

There is a vacancy in the registrar forum, which is why we are looking for a new enthusiast to join us.

The goals of the forum

You represent the full network of .be registrars . At the meetings you are the first to hear about our innovations, new product developments and strategy proposals. We include your feedback in our further decisions about the evolution of .be.

We also debate on relevant evolutions in the sector, and you are invited to provide topics for the agenda. The forum is a platform for discussion and constructive collaboration. We meet 3 times a year in Leuven or Brussels, or as in the last year digitally.

How to apply?

Please send us your motivation at the latest on 22 January 2021 via We will choose the new member and inform everyone on this at the beginning of February via e-mail and on our registrar site.
The regulations of the .be registrar forum with more details on the mandate, can be found on the registrar website.

Should you have additional questions on this topic, please contact